
No Dinner - Dinner (English)

2017-10-16(月)18:30 - 21:00 JST

シャングリ・ラ ホテル 東京

〒100-8283 東京都 千代田区 丸の内1-8-3 丸の内トラストタワー本館


October 16th marks World Food Day, a time when communities throughout the world look at the status of their food security.

While Japan is a wealthy country, nearly 20 million people live below the poverty line. Both our estimates and government reports conclude that 2.2 million people often have to skip dinner because they do not have enough food. The good news is that we have an enormous supply of food available to us. Our challenge is developing a model to match this food with those in need.

For the last 15 years, Second Harvest Japan has been involved in getting surplus food to those in need in Japan. This event is an opportunity for us to share with you our goals for 2020 and introduce to you two different models, one from Switzerland (Caritas Markt ) and one from the US (Urban Recipe ), we plan to test over the coming months.

Participants will engage in small roundtable discussions followed by a larger discussion involving all participants. This is an opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals and engage in reflective conversation about a social issue right here in Japan.

Your attendance fee of ¥5000 will mean that we can deliver approximately 200 meals (based on our FY2016 avg. cost per meal).

Second Harvest Asia (our sister organization) will be sponsoring the space so that all funds will go directly for our operations.




【重要なお知らせ】現在イベントの新規開催を休止しております 私たちのミッションは、国内において全ての人が十分な食料にアクセスできる社会を築く一翼を担うことです。私たちはフードセーフティネットを築くことによってこのゴールを目指します。社会に溢れている余剰食品を活用し、さまざまなプログラムを通じて必要な人たちへマッチングします。 私たちはフードバンク活動のパイオニアとして、社会イノベーション...
